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087 474 3826


To set up an account

Note: Once you have an account setup this can be used across all ISA shows that have the online entry system.  So if you already have an account all you need to do is login.

  1. Click on LOGIN from the top menu – This is in the top right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click Create Account on the Login screen.
  3. Fill in your Name, Email Address and set your password.
    1. Passwords must have between 8 and 64 characters, contain at least an UPPERCASE and a lowercase letter, a number, and a special character (!@#$%^&*()\-_=+{};:,<.>)
  4. Confirm your password
  5. Review the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
  6. Click the button to accept the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
  7. Click Create Account
  8. The system automatically logs you in you will see your email address in the top right corner.

Navigating the system

  1. Account Dashboard
    1. At anytime you can click on your email address to bring you to your account dashboard or on the left side of the screen you will see Account
    2. In your Account dashboard, on the left side there are a number of pages:
      1. Main – In this view you will see your account status, your orders and entries
      2. Sub account – additional account for a child that is linked to you own
      3. Animals – This is where you can input you animals, once setup you can add them to any entry in our show and any other show that is using this online application.  Note animals will automatically add here from the entry side also
  2. To go to the Show page view again, click on the Show Logo / Name at the top of the page
  3. You are now ready to enter competitions, apply for trade stands, purchase products and more
  4. Log out – Select Log Out on the green panel on the left side of the screen or if you are in the account dashboard Click on the icon to the right of your email, select Log Out
  5. If you forget your password anytime, you can simply reset it. You only need to click on the ‘Forgot Your Password’ link on the login screen and a link will be sent to that email address to create a new password. The link expires in 1 hour, so send it as often as necessary.